Next to You

Next to You is a collection of original songs written by Josie Duncan, Willie Campbell, Scott C. Park and Alastair Caplin, four Hebridean artists who have come together to collaborate on an album informed by their varied experiences of the pandemic and the effects it had on their communities.

The album was recorded over a week in February 2024 at Black Bay Studio on Great Bernera, following a series of ceilidhs across Lewis and Harris where islanders were invited to share music and stories.

The album will be performed live in September 2024, to coincide with its release, at venues in Barra, Benbecula and Lewis. A physical publication will accompany the album which will be available digitally online and through streaming services.

Tour Dates

Weds 11th September - An Lanntair, Lewis - BOOK

Thurs 12th September - Northbay Hall, Barra - BOOK

Fri 13th September - Dark Island Hotel, Benbecula - BOOK *

All start times: 8PM

* with support from Arabella Manchester